Types of Pheasants to hunt in Oregon:

We offer two varietiess of pheasants from McFarland Pheasant Farm your Oregon hunting pleasure.  The pheasants are raised on our 318 acre ranch.  There are also wild pheasants roaming the preserve.

Chinese Ringneck Pheasants – Hunting

Chinese Ringneck Pheasants are the most popular breed. They were introduced to the United Sates in 1881 in Washington along with several other Chinese birds. More birds were later purchased and released.  The breed flourished in Oregon and Washington. Today the Chinese Ringneck can be found in the wild in over 40 states. These strong birds adapt readily to the wild and are prized by sportsmen and taxidermists for their excellent flying ability and brilliant colors.

Melanistic Mutant Pheasants – Hunting

Melanistic Mutants are a pure breed but often breed with Ringnecks. They display a remarkable ability to survive and reproduce in the wild. Their habitat includes some wetlands, grassland, and woodland or brushy thickets.  These large, beautiful pheasants feature an iridescent, greenish-black plumage. This is a favorite variety for release for hunting preserves.


Private pheasant farm and hunting in Southern Oregon